Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Get Paid to Take Online Surveys - Work at Home and Be Your Own Boss

Polls, surveys and focus groups are a big business on the Internet. Large companies need to know what people are thinking, especially the consumers that might buy their present and future products and services. They must constantly test their markets; thousands of paid online surveys are being made every week.

So who is going to take the time to answer all these surveys, to fill out the questionnaires and respond? That has been a problem at times in the past, but now the advent of paid online surveys promises a permanent solution. Almost all surveys today are taken with the expectation of some sort of reward.

Participants in paid online survey are paid with free samples, free products, cash, gift certificates and other things that can be easily converted into cash, like points accumulated. They get paid to take online surveys by way of checks in the mail or deposits in their PayPal accounts.

Individual paid online surveys don't pay a lot. The typical range is from $5 to $75, with most being around $10-$25. But paid online surveys usually just take a few minutes to fill out, and 2 or 3 surveys a day can add up rapidly.

Most more or less serious survey takers report incomes of from $200 to $600 a month. Many report incomes of $1,000 and more a month. It's hard to make a living at it but you CAN make very good supplemental income.

Taking paid online surveys is interesting and not at all hard. You are helping shape the way products are developed, improved and advertised. You make a useful and valuable contribution when you get paid to take online surveys.

There are no right answers or wrong answers to the questions. They just want your opinion, how you see it. So you tell them. That's all.

There are no set hours - you check your e-mail to see what paid online surveys have come in and then take them when it is convenient to you! You set your own schedule.

You don't have to be in any set place. You just need access to the Internet. You can take paid online surveys using your laptop at the beach! There is probably a wireless connection to the Internet, and most places have such connections available for visitors.

There is no obligation to take any paid online survey. You can elect to take any particular survey or not.

There is no obligation to continue with paid online surveys if you want to stop at any time.

You don't need to go anywhere to collect your money, except maybe to the bank to deposit your checks.

All in all, taking paid online surveys is pretty close to the ideal job.

To get paid to take online surveys you will need to get your application on file with survey makers. Not just any survey makers (if you want to make money) but the survey makers that really pay and pay in cash or equivalent. They make up only an estimated 20% of the total that are out there.

To really get paid to take online surveys you need a good list of survey makers. The best way to get such a list of is from a paid survey membership site.

Ignore the "free list" offers you see. The survey makers on those lists need new recruits because the last ones quit! They are paying the free list site to recruit YOU to replace them so they don't have to pay more than $1-2 per survey. You can't make any real money with those.

For more information on paid online surveys and how to get paid to take online surveys, visit: Paid online survey To learn more about refund rates and comparing paid survey sites to pick the best one, visit: Get paid to take online survey
Jorge Chavez is an experienced paid internet survey expert at: http://surveysentinel.ya23.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jorge_Chavez

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/720705

1 comment:

  1. Hello friends,

    Paid surveys are generally given online. The Internet is your best source of finding places to join for either one of these kinds of surveys, free of cost. The possibilities for different types of surveys being offered are as endless as there are ways to create and market products to the public. Thank you...

    Online Focus Groups
